I'm a curious person.
Curious/odd, but I also like to understand the inner workings of things and to see how things are made. And if I had my way, in most cases, I'd be asking to get in there to try my hand at it.

You too? Awesome! We can be friends then.
We're having our driveway torn up and redone. It’s been going on for the past couple of weeks, and we've probably got several more before it's done. I must admit that it has been tough concentrating on work when there are big machines (bobcats and jackhammers and cement trucks, oh my!) outside my window, creating new and beautiful things.

It's incredibly distracting.
When I think about it in a business sense, my solopreneur and micro-business clients often find themselves in the same position as me, distracted by all the inner workings/back office of their own businesses. And then they forget that they still have to deliver whatever their product is.
Is this you?
It's all well and good at the beginning when maximizing time isn't an issue. But once your business starts rolling, in order to grow, you have to let someone else handle the back office stuff.
I'd bet dimes to dollars you probably don't even like doing that stuff anyway; it's just become a habit.
What if I told you that a virtual assistant could save you time and make you money?
You probably already know this, but I'm going to spell it out anyway, just in case:
The back-office tasks are keeping you away from your genius zone, which is what makes you money in the first place.
The time it takes you to do those tasks can be done in less time by a VA specializing in those things. (I'll talk about the "things" in a minute)
By working with a VA, you'll get all that time back to do your thing
Nine times out of 10, it'll take the VA less time to do the things. Like sometimes half the time.

You might even have extra time to look out your window to watch the cement trucks.🙂
Now, on to the "things" where a VA can help. I could list a whole bunch of things (and I will, sort of). But the truth is, the needs of every business are different, so every back office functions differently. It’s hard to pin down the "most-requested services". Here are just some of the things we've been tasked with:
Clean out and organize email inboxes
Tracking: responses, statuses, participation
Create graphics for social media
Write email newsletters
Update calendars
Create document templates
Create email automation
List products on a website
Write blogs (or zhuzh something that's already written to get it ready to post)
Vacation business-sitting (help desk, fielding requests for service)
See? It's all over the map.
Think of it like this: If it doesn't earn you money, you need to let someone else do it. Get the heck back in your Genius Zone!
It's OK to want to know how things work and how to do things. because you never know if you'll have to jump in for a minute (a minute, not forever!), but outsourcing will keep you focused on your big picture.
Schedule a complimentary strategy call today.